

  How do your products represent social groups or issues?   Our short film focuses on some of the issues that high school students face. In this case, Macie, the new girl, attends yet another new school because of her Dads job . Being "the new kid" is difficult enough on its own, but Courtney makes Macie's first few days at school even more difficult. Courtney is envious that her crush, Jacob, prefers Macie over her. This causes fued in the teens and creates drama which is common in high school social groups. Courtney does something that is common in High School and teenage social groups which she s ends out an embarassing photo of macie to the whole school. This, however, reveals to Jacob what kind of person Courtney truly is. Courtney decides she needs to apologize and make amends for what she has done to Macie. The short film captures some of the emotions that many teenagers and high school students experience . Whether it's anxiety, jealousy, or embarrass...