Story board for the pop music video
Scene 1:
In the first scene we will be showing (me) Julie’s phone. This shot will feature a close up on my phone showing me putting directions to the airport. The music would have already started at the start of the scene.
Scene 2:
In the second scene we will show the car driving into the airport. We will zoom into the airport sign here.
Scene 3:
Sean walks out of the airport and the camera shows him from the feet up to his head using a tilt. The camera then transitions to an eye-level shot showing Sean looking around for us.
Scene 4:
The car pulls up into the pickup zone and everyone hugs/greets Sean and I put the bag into the trunk. Shows picnic basket.
Scene 5:
As we drive away from the airport, we pass the Hollywood Florida sign. When we get to it we zoom into it as we drive to show we are in fact in Hollywood like in the song.
Scene 6:
Scene 6 is shot at a high angle, and it shows us eating lunch. It shows the top of our heads along with an above view of the pizza that we are going to be eating.
Scene 7:
Scene 7 shows our group partying at the beach near the water. We will have a speaker and be dancing around. We are doing this to emulate the pop/party feel of the song.
Scene 8:
We decided that for the 8th scene we will play volleyball but if that is not available, we are going to play a different sport. No matter what sport, we are going to start with a low angle on the ball slowly moving up until it is a wide angle on the whole scene.
Scene 9:
We are going to do a medium-far shot for this scene which will show us all running around on the beach and eventually running into the water and swimming.
Scene 10:
After we swim in scene 9, we will be all wet. To solve this, we are going to dry off and joke around to show us having fun in scene 10.
Scene 11:
In scene 1 we end the story by going back to where we started. We will drop Sean off at the airport similarly to how we picked him up. We will all have a big group hug goodbye, and the scene will fade to black.
Scene 12:
It ends as it fades to black. The artist, Miley Cyrus, and the song title, Party in the U.S.A, will be shown to give credit to the original artist.
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