Script Blog


Scene 1: 

Opening shot of forest shows creepy man standing menacingly cue non-diegetic sound- suspenseful music 

Scene 2:  

Music Ends 

Cut to shot of car in lot Infront of house 

Julie: “Beckett pass me the damn ball” in an annoyed and frustrated tone 

Beckett: Tosses over ball 

Julie: grabs the ball and closes the trunk 

Julie walks off scene saying: “I need to go grab my water bottle, (scoffs) you guys are useless” 

Beckett: “Why is she so cranky” 

Sean: “She’s not usually like this” 

Scene 3: 

Cut to us all sitting in the car on the way to TY Park. 

Diegetic sounds of the car driving. 

Beckett: “Hey Julie, did you wake up on the wrong side of bed this morning?” 

Sean : Laughs 

Julie: Turns back towards them “Shut up already jeez!” 

Sean: “WATCH OUT!!!” 

Julie: Nearly hits creepy man crossing the road, swerves. 

Everyone gets quiet and we keep driving. 

Scene 4: 

Pulling into park 

Sean: “Cannot believe she got us here alive” in a sarcastic tone. 

Julie: “Okay let's lighten up everyone 

Beckett: “Yeah no one was hurt so let's just move past it.” 

Scene 5: 

Outside the car 

Julie: “Okay everyone let's get unpacked.” 

As everyone starts to unpack, we zoom out to show the creepy old man watching them from across the park. 

Eerie music also starts as the camera zooms out. 

Scene 6: 

Sean: “Julie what are we even doing here?” 

Julie: “I saw on the news that someone went missing here” 

Beckett: Shocked “What?? Why are we even here then” 

Julie: “It's cool trust me” 

Sean: “This is a bad idea” 

Scene 7: 

All 3 of us walk into dimly lit woods, sound bridge of suspenseful music. 

Julie: “See this is cool right?” 

Sean: “Sure... I guess.” 

Beckett: “I don’t know this all just seems like a bad idea.” 

Julie: “Oh shut it and grow a pair” 

Rustling can be heard behind the group 

Julie and Beckett: “AHHHHH!” 

Sean: “Haha look who’s scared now. That was probably just a lizard why are you guys so freaked out.” 

Julie: “I’m not scared it just surprised me.” 

Scene 8 

Deeper in the woods 

Beckett: “I can’t believe you almost hit that old guy” 

Julie: “Why are you even talking about that stupid old guy” 

Sean: “Let’s not talk about people like that” 

Julie: “Screw him” 

Another rustling, but louder by creepy old man 
Beckett: “That is not a lizard alright” 

Julie: “We are almost there come on” 

Much louder rustling and Julie goes offscreen 

Sean: “Julie?!” 

Beckett: “She was just here. Maybe she is hiding trying to scare us.” 

Sean: “Yeah that has to be it lets go look for her” 

Becket and Sean: Pacing around yelling “Julie x3” 

Scene 9: 

Directed By card plays as the camera leaves the forest. 


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