Group Blog
My group consists of 2 members. Me and Camille. We have been friends since 10th grade. We decided to work together in one group because we knew that we could work collectively to make a good film. Although we are not experts in the film industry, we have brainstormed multiple times about how we can make a good film. Me and Camille text and talk about the Film every day outside of school. I chose to work with her because I figured it would be hard to make a film alone. This is because you would have to do all the work. However, when you are in a group you can tag-team the tasks. Me and Camille have multiple classes together. Camille and I have similar interests. I believe although we are friends and make jokes, we can still be productive. This is due to the fact that we all care about our grades and Cambridge. We have already spoken about how we are going to take this project down. Each of us will have certain roles, if we execute them well, our film will be successful. I am beyond happy to be in this class. I am also beyond excited to work with Camille for AICE media studies!
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