Scheduling a film Schedule - Production Blog
When we first started filming, Me and Camille had to figure out how we were going to finish our film on time. Me and Camille are very busy, so it's critical that we plan out how we can film without interfering with any of our other activities. I have Water Polo and work after school, so I wouldn't be able to work on our film after school, so filming on the weekend is the only option. I had the bright idea of filming each of our individual parts in our spare time. Fortunately, the majority of the short film can be shot separately, with only a few scenes needing to be shot together. I will be filming my scenes at my house, while Camille will be filming hers at her house. Camille needs to film the scene where Courtney is at her house planning how she will embarrass Macie. She will eventually find an embarrassing picture of Macie, which she will then send to the entire school. I think Camilles mom is going to help her film this. My scenes will be shot at my home. I have to film some for Camille, but they shouldn't be too hard.The scenes I record will be when Im in my room talking to my mom. My friend Mya will most likely assist me with the film. I intend to film my scenes on my phone, which is an iPhone 12 Pro Max, to ensure high quality. I'm hoping that when I start filming these scenes, I won't have too much trouble finding the right angle. I also hope the shots turn out the way I envisioned them. We'll also need to figure out how we'll shoot the scenes at school. I'm aware that there are a few issues with filming at school, but hopefully they won't be too difficult because we only need to film in the bus loop and nothing shows our school there. I am going to double check with my teacher to make sure this is ok.
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