Short Film Research ( Lay Me by the Shore/ Drama)

 This 18 minute film is another coming of age film. He is finishing his senior year, however, he is also trying to get passed his best friends death. The main sound in the movie is Dialogue, voiceover, ambient sound, diegetic and non-diegetic sound are frequently used in dramas. Dramatic films often have a lot of music because it helps the audience feel the appropriate emotions. The Common Costumes often capture their characteristics. Sometimes when a character is sad, they will put less effort into their outfits, as is the case in this movie due to the grief of losing his best friend, but he still dresses like a teenager.. Usual illumination The low light gives off an air of drama and intrigue representing the state of mind the main character is in. The brightest and ones that cast shadows most frequently. Common Drama The makeup in this film is typical of dramas given the plot, locale, and people. There is not much makeup used in this film compared to the last one. The main settings in this film are school and his house.  I love that this is a coming of age film because I can actually relate to it, but at the sam time it is kind of cringey to see how kids my age act and it makes me rethink my choices as well, But in a funny way.


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